A key government aim is to improve the climate for foreign investors, Foreign Minister János Martonyi said after meeting his German counterpart on 6 May, 2013.

Calling for further German investments, János Martonyi said the Hungarian Government is determined that investors should find conditions in Hungary satisfactory.

Foreign Minister Martonyi and his German counterpart, Guido Westerwelle also discussed the debates related to Hungary. At their joint press conference, János Martonyi welcomed the German Government’s intention to refrain from taking a stance before the European Commission’s procedures against Hungary are concluded.

Photo: Endre VésseyWesterwelle said it is in both countries’ interests to maintain good bilateral economic relations amid the economic challenges facing Hungary, adding that sectoral taxes were discussed at their meeting and would also be on the agenda of future talks. He noted that 6,000 German businesses employing 300,000 people operate in Hungary.

Martonyi noted the increasing importance of the German-language Andrássy University in Budapest, adding that the Hungarian Government aims to make the university a regional hub of German language education. Westerwelle noted that the University is the only German-language institution of its kind outside Germany and is proof of bilateral friendship.

Photo: Endre VésseyThe Hungarian Foreign Minister expressed his appreciation to the German Foreign Minister for his address at the Assembly of the Jewish World Congress; Westerwelle declared that anti-Semitism has no place in Europe or in the world. János Martonyi noted that the political and moral messages of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's speech on the first day of the World Congress were very clear.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)