As requested by Catherine Ashton, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Hungarian Ambassador in Libya received the fact finding mission in Tripoli led by a high-ranking representative of the European External Action Service.

The purpose of the delegation is to assess the situation on the ground in order to prepare for the future opening of the EU Delegation in Tripoli. To this effort Hungary provides all necessary political, diplomatic and logistical support. Agostino Miozzo, the Managing Director for Crisis Response, who heads the mission, also commended the assistance of the Hungarian Embassy.

As recognition of the professional performance of the Hungarian Embassy during an extraordinary crisis period – upon a former request – the Embassy ntinues respresenting the European Union in Libya even after the presidency period. We are ready to pursue this activity as long as it is necessary. Besides acting on behalf of the European Union, Hungary – on the basis of separate bilateral agreements – has also been representing several countries, including the United States of America.
