Foreign Minister János Martonyi discussed EU-related matters and the Central European Initiative with his Italian counterpart at their working meeting in Budapest on 16 July 2013.

Emma Bonino, the Italian Foreign Minister, gave an outline of the prospective priorities for the rotating EU presidency Italy will hold in July-December 2014.
Minister Martonyi said Hungary supported Italy in including in its presidency’s agenda the creation of a common European energy market and the further enlargement of the EU.

Photo: Endre Véssey

The two sides discussed EU integration related tasks, with particular attention to possible developments in 2014 following the European Parliamentary elections set for next May.

Martonyi briefed his partner about Hungary’s main priorities during its presidency of the Central European Initiative (CEI) this year, which Bonino said Italy would fully support.

Established in 1989 in Budapest and with its in headquarters in Trieste since 1996, the CEI aims to promote closer cooperation among the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

(MTI, Ministry of Foreign Affairs)