The 22nd assembly of the Hungarian-German Forum, which was launched by German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and late Hungarian Prime Minister József Antall in 1991, began in Berlin on November 8. More than forty politicians, experts and scholars – including the German and the Hungarian Foreign Minister – attend the two-day forum.

The topics of the Hungarian-German Forum this year are the development of European identity in the two countries respectively and the role of the two countries in Central Europe in the areas of EU enlargement and regional cooperation.

Foreign Minister János Martonyi and his colleague Guido Westerwelle will be speaking at the forum on November 9. Enikő Győri, Minister of State in charge of European Affairs and Gergely Prőhle, Deputy State Secretary for European Bilateral Relations, Press and Cultural Diplomacy are also attending the forum on behalf of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)