There are few things that express the spirit of the Hungarian Presidency as well as volunteering does – Enikő Győri, Minister of State for EU Affairs of the Foreign Ministry, emphasised in the Femmes d’Europe Gala in Brussels on 25 May. With her, the wife of President of the Republic Pál Schmitt, Katalin Makray, also attended the event.

Femmes d’Europe (Women of Europe), is a non-political and independent charitable association, which has functioned to support women and children - the two social groups most exposed to social exclusion and poverty - since its foundation 35 years ago. It finances its projects from donations, which was collected by volunteers at charitable events. The association of 1100 members organises a charitable programme during the term of every Presidency, where they present a slice of the culture of the country serving as the rotating president. At the Brussels gala dinner, music was provided by Roby Lakatos Ensemble, and the guests had a chance to see the joint exhibition of six artists of Hungarian origin, who are currently living in Belgium - Gedeon Horváth, Pál Horváth, Christina Jékey, Marika Száraz, Nicolas Timár and Géza Zichy.

Generosity is a sign of strength

This time, the main topic of the event was volunteering, as the European Union has also dedicated the year 2011 to the topic. In her ceremonial speech, Győri said she was glad that this thematic year happened to coincide with the term of the Hungarian Presidency. The Minister of State also highlighted that volunteering is extremely popular in Hungary, “40% of the people participate regularly in such activities.” She emphasised that the motto of the Presidency - 'Strong Europe with a human touch' - means that as President of the EU Council, Hungary intends to find answers to the continent's most burning economic and political issues. At the same time, the motto also symbolises that 'generosity is a sign of strength, and not weakness', she added.
Enikő Győri recalled that after her appointment as Minister of State in September 2010, the first invitation she received was precisely to assume the honorary patronage of an event of Femmes d’Europe.  She gladly accepted the honour, since “In the European Year of Volunteering, the voluntary work you have done for many poor children and adults without needing or wanting anything in return, can and should set an example,” Ms Győri declared.
Katalin Makray, wife of President of the Republic Pál Schmitt, also participated in the event. She highlighted that she was  glad to accept the invitation of 'a group operating with the spirit of love and goodness.' The President's wife acknowledged that with the numerous events of the Presidency, there is a special focus on charity as well.

The accomplishments of the Presidency

The Hungarian Presidency considers gender equality as a special priority. As one of the first results of this effort, on 7 March the Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO),  accepted the renewal of the European Pact for Gender Equality until 2020. In the meeting of Ministers for Demography and Family Policy Issues in Gödöllő on 1 April, the Spanish–Belgian–Hungarian Presidency Trio and Poland, accepted a joint statement on the effect of the reconciliation of work and family life on population trends. Aims of the Hungarian Presidency also include the continuation of negotiations about the directive on the extension of maternity leave and the review of the directive “On the introduction of measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health at work of pregnant workers and workers who have recently given birth, or are breastfeeding,” about which a progress report  is being prepared for the June meeting of EPSCO.
