Hungary’s Government has reacted to critics by explaining its position and changing laws in several contested areas, yet „no one should expect political attacks to cease,” Foreign Minister János Martonyi told weekly magazine Heti Válasz in an interview on Thursday.

The fact that after three years of constant attacks the situation has been normalised is a major achievement, Martonyi said. Still, political pressure is unrelenting not least because party political battles are still raging both at national and European level, he said.

Martonyi rejected the idea that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had been isolated internationally. EU summits provide a regular opportunity to meet with European leaders and it is therefore natural that fewer bilateral meetings occur, he said.

Concerning ties with Romania, Martonyi expressed Hungary’s „fundamental interest” in preventing the achievements of the past two years „from being lost”.

„For this reason, we are refraining from making disparaging remarks,” he said, adding that the Hungarian Prime Minister, unlike his Romanian counterpart, did not comment on the Székely flag issue. „We will in no way exacerbate the conflict.”

Asked about relations with Slovakia, Martonyi said that the first round of expert talks on dual citizenship had taken place, to be followed by a second one this month. He added that Hungary was seeking a solution but did not „quarrel in public, which would only do harm to the cause.” Asked if there is a mutually acceptable solution to the dual citizenship conflict, Martonyi admitted that the issue can probably be settled in the short term.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)