Foreign Minister János Martonyi had a meeting with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki in New York on September 27, 2012.

The two ministers had a discussion about the situation in the Middle East. Minister Riyad al-Malki informed his colleague, among others, about the latest Palestinian proposal, which had been handed over to the Israeli government a few days ago. He stressed that only the two-state solution can lead to a long-term settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

At their meeting they also touched upon the Palestinian initiative concerning their UN status. The two foreign ministers agreed that only direct negotiations between the Israeli and the Palestinian parties can yield a lasting solution.

As Minister Martonyi stated, Hungary appreciated that the Palestinian party was ready to consult with the European Union and its Member States. The foreign ministers of EU member states are following the issue closely. Foreign Minister Martonyi stated that Hungary would finalize its position and decide about how to vote after consulting with the EU member states about the text of the Palestinian proposal.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister emphasized that it was in Hungary’s interest to find a fair and just solution. Hungary is committed to a lasting and just peace in the Middle East, to the establishment of sovereign and viable Palestinian State living in peace with its neighbors, and to the security of Israel.

Foreign Minister János Martonyi invited his Palestinian counterpart to visit Hungary, and expressed his willingness to visit the Palestinian Authority in the course of his trip to the region in December.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)