The impetus for the EU accession talks with Turkey must be maintained, because if the talks came to a halt, it would send a negative message to both Turkey and the European public, said Deputy State Secretary Gergely Prőhle following a strategic forum held in Bled, Slovenia, where Central European policy-makers discussed regional and European issues.

The Hungarian Deputy State Secretary declared that none of the participants of the meeting opposed Turkey’s European integration, although „you can find many opponents in European politics and among public voices.”

When pointing out the advantages of Turkey’s accession, Gergely Prőhle claimed that the Syrian crisis demonstrated that Turkey had a major role to play in enhancing regional stability. Turkey is an important NATO ally and contributes significantly to energy security, he added.

For Hungary, economic cooperation with Turkey is also important, said the Hungarian Deputy State Secretary. Moreover, Turkey has a role to play in talks concerning the future of the Western Balkan countries for historical as well as economic reasons. However, the EU is divided over this issue, as several member states have Turkish minority residents and domestic political considerations are taken into account as their positions are shaped, he said.

Gergely Prőhle recalled that it was a frequent argument against Turkey’s membership that the EU was also a community of values based on Christian and Jewish foundations, which Turkey did not fit into well. But „the practical advantages would – sooner or later – tip the scales in favour of Turkey joining the EU”, the Deputy State Secretary said.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)