On the sidelines of talks in La Paz February 14, 2013, Minister of State Enikő Győri visited Előd Tóásó, a Hungarian national imprisoned in Bolivia.

During her talks, Győri urged that Tóásó should be released from pre-trial detention.  „In all circumstances, Hungary finds it important that defendants should be prosecuted within a reasonable period of time, free of political influence, through a straightforward procedure and in line with international agreements,” Győri said.

Enikő Győri received a document from Előd Tóásó listing the violations of his rights while imprisoned in Bolivia.

The Hungarian Minister of State pointed out that it was the sovereign right of Hungary to pay particular attention to that the human rights of Hungarian citizens were respected. She added that Hungary „will resort to all means of facilitating international pressure” to protect the rights of Mr Tóásó.

Last October, Minister of Public Administration and Justice Tibor Navracsics wrote to senior Bolivian officials, asking them to ensure that Tóásó, who is accused of terrorism and has been detained for more than three years without trial, can stand trial with legal defence.

Bolivia’s special forces cracked down on what was believed to be a terrorist unit in Santa Cruz April 16, 2009. Bolivian–Hungarian Eduardo Rózsa-Flores, ethnic Hungarian from Romania Árpád Magyarosi and the Irish Michael Dwyer were killed in the attack. Mr Tóásó was arrested and has been kept in detention under suspicion of an armed uprising and terrorism since then.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)