Hungary is satisfied with the Multiannual Financial Framework for 2014-2020 since the country is among the three members states who will benefit most from the next MFF, Minister of State in charge of EU Affairs Enikő Győri said at a press conference on Monday.

The Minister of State of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs attended a session of the Parliamentary Committee for European Affairs on Monday.  Following the meeting, she told the press that it had been a long struggle to improve Hungary’s position concerning the MFF and its "net position," which is the balance of funding available and contributions to be paid.

Enikő Győri noted that last week the European Parliament approved the EU's next financial framework, which was adopted by the heads of state and government in February this year.

The 960 billion euro budget for the next financial period has shrunk compared to 2007-2013, she noted. Still, Hungary is one of the main beneficiaries as a recipient of the second highest per capita allocation, she added.

Whereas the global budget of the next seven-year financial framework proposed by the European Commission has gone down by 7 percent, thanks to Hungary's "tough talk" in Brussels the country will receive 3.5 percent more than the amount it was originally earmarked by the Commission, Enikő Győri said.

Discussing the breakdown of allocations, the Minister of State noted a smaller budget for EU-level cohesion funding and the common agricultural policy (CAP), but increased allocations for interior policy and the justice system, as well as for foreign affairs.

Concerning Hungary, she said the 18.3 billion euros the commission had initially proposed in cohesion funding for Hungary had been increased to 20.5 billion.

As regards the CAP, Enikő Győri claimed that Hungarian producers would benefit from the next budget, as Hungary would receive more funding in this area, noting an increase in direct allocations to 7.8 billion euros in 2014-2020.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)