„What if there was no European Union? – a keynote panel discussion was held at the Budapest Corvinus University (BCE) on 6 March 2013. The event was organised within the framework of the My Europe nationwide communication campaign.

The event was attended by Minister of State Enikő Győri, Head of the European Commission Representation in Hungary Tamás Szűcs and Head of the Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU Péter Györkös. Speakers and students were welcomed by BCE Rector Zsolt Rostoványi.
Péter Györkös declared: integration is essentially in the interests of all the countries of Europe, adding that the greatest effect of the EU accession is equality: the united Europe offers such opportunities to Hungarian citizens that would not be possible without integration. Less than a hundred years ago, war would have been the answer to the problems and tensions that the countries of the European Union now discuss and manage together. We Hungarians are also present at these decisions – he added. We are both Hungarians and Europeans, and these two are not mutually exclusive, but rather mutually strengthen each other – said Tamás Szűcs. Recalling his university years, he added that this central message of the My Europe campaign was widespread at the time of the post-communist regime change.

Minister of State Győri said that she had experienced the democratic transition and could therefore value its achievements. But the eurosceptics of today view results that would not exist without the Union as self-evident,. She recalled a scene from Life of Brian, in which at a meeting of the Peoples’ Front of Judea who are conspiring against the Roman invaders, someone asks, what have the Romans ever done for them.

A long list of achievements are mentioned (drainage, education, wine, roads, etc.), until someone notes that they also brought peace as well, but he is booed for being a demagogue.
The short, thought-provoking presentations were followed by discussions with the students. The panel was moderated by journalist Piroska Bakos, former spokesperson of the Hungarian EU Presidency.
The My Europe informative campaign, which runs between 25 February and 25 March 2013, is funded by the European Commission Representation in Hungary, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary and the European Parliament Information Office. In addition to television, radio and internet appearances, high school presentation, university lectures and panel discussions will also be organised within the framework of the campaign.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)