The development of Special Forces capability is a priority in the strategic plan of the Ministry of Defence for the period until 2022, Minister of Defence Csaba Hende told Maj.-Gen. Michael Repass, Commander of United States Special Operations Command Europe in Budapest.

At their meeting held on Monday, April 22, the two partners discussed the Hungarian–American military relations, with special regard to the cooperation of Special Forces units in Afghanistan and the capability development of the HDF Special Forces Battalion.

The generation and development of the Special Forces capability in the Hungarian Defence Forces has been going on since 2005, based on the HDF 34th “Bercsényi László” Special Forces Battalion. Since 2009, Hungarian Special Forces units have been deployed with the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) operation as part of a US force.

The participation of the Hungarian Defence Forces Special Forces units underwent transformation in November 2012, and they have been reinforced both in terms of strength and capabilities. The contingent with an independent staff element is composed of two Special Operations Teams (SOTs) and operates under the US-led Task Force-10 Headquarters. Its tasks are to drive back the anti-government forces and to train and support the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF). Recently NATO issued an official report to confirm that the Hungarian Special Forces capability – which is being developed with assistance from the United States – has reached Full Operational Capability (FOC) by NATO standards.

According to the press release, during the discussion Michael Repass praised the performance and professionalism of the Hungarian soldiers serving with Special Forces units. The two partners agreed that the development of Special Forces is equally important for both countries. At the meeting, Minister Hende decorated the American commander with the Service Medal “For the Alliance”.