Hungary wants to play a larger role in the European Union’s assistance programmes in Africa, especially in the Sub-Saharan region, Deputy State Secretary for Global Affairs Szabolcs Takács told MTI February 13, 2013.

Speaking after a meeting of EU ministers in charge of international development in Dublin, the Deputy State Secretary said that Hungary was committed to contributing to the development objectives of the United Nations and of the EU, which is in line with the country’s policy of global opening. “Africa is not just conflicts,” he pointed out, arguing that mining and agricultural capacities, coupled with appropriate technologies, could facilitate large-scale development, a process to which Hungary could contribute.  The Government wants to map Hungarian businesses interested in African opportunities, and revive its diplomatic ties in the Sub-Saharan region, Deputy State Secretary Takács highlighted. He explained that Hungary’s diplomatic presence in Africa had diminished after the political regime change of 1989/90, with a shift of focus to Euro-Atlantic ties. Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, and South Africa could be key-partners for Hungary, the he stated.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)