Deputy State Secretary for Global Affairs Péter Wintermantel paid a visit to Japan from 24 to 26 October. During his visit, Mr Wintermantel held consultations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Besides the official meetings, he also participated at the event celebrating 23 October, Hungary’s National Day.

At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy State Secretary Wintermantel held discussions with Director-General for European Affairs Mr Toyohisa Kozuki, Director-General for Economic Affairs Mr Keiichi Katakami, and Director-General for International Cooperation Mr Kunio Umeda. Besides preparing upcoming high-level visits and meetings, the discussions also provided an opportunity to assess the current status of bilateral and V4+Japan relations.

At the JICA, Péter Wintermantel discussed with Vice President Masakazu Ichikawa the possible cooperation of Japan with Hungary and the V4 countries within the field of international development.

During the meetings, the parties agreed that bilateral relations have been developing promisingly and offer various opportunities for deepening cooperation in many areas. Economic relations continue to be a priority area of our bilateral ties, in terms of trade as well as investment. Since 2010, Japanese companies have realised investments in Hungary totalling 1.36 billion euros, creating nearly 2,700 new jobs. Péter Wintermantel emphasised that Hungary continued to offer favourable conditions to foreign investors and supported the realisation of further investments from Japan.

During the visit, Péter Wintermantel participated at the National Day Reception of the Embassy of Hungary in Tokyo and attended a presentation showcasing Hungarian processed meat products.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)