The countries of the Western Balkans still find it important to draw closer to the European Union, despite the difficulties that the EU is experiencing currently – it was revealed at the conference organized by the Hungarian Institute of International Relations on May 31, 2013.

Speaking on the second day of the international conference on the European integration of the Western Balkans, MFA Deputy State Secretary Bálint Ódor highlighted that Hungary’s position on the EU’s enlargement policy has remained unchanged since the accession of the country: enlargement can only be considered to have ended, once the entire continent is unified in the Union. Croatia is going to become the 28th member state of the European Union within weeks, but enlargement must continue on the Western Balkans – he said.

He declared that the EU has to provide a perspective for countries of the Western Balkans and every other country that wishes to join the EU. Several countries are facing difficult reforms, but if they take the necessary steps, then their efforts have to be recognized. This is also necessary in order to maintain the credibility of the EU’s enlargement policy – he added.

The Deputy State Secretary stated that enlargement could contribute to the EU finding a solution to its problems and to preventing future ones. The next coming months will be decisive because this will be an opportunity to highlight the significance of enlargement, while later EU leaders will probably be more focusing on the future of the EU – he said.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)