A László Hudec Memorial Room dedicated to the Hungarian on the 120th anniversary of his birth architect was opened in Shanghai, where he designed more than sixty buildings.

Deputy State Secretary Gergely Prőhle spoke on behalf of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the opening event, which was attended by local politicians, the representatives of the Chinese Architects’ Association and the daughter of László Hudec.

Deputy State Secretary Prőhle declared that opening a memorial room dedicated to the architect was a worthy celebration of the 120th anniversary of his birth. Hudec displayed the achievement of Hungarian genius many thousand miles away from Hungary. His work demonstrates that Hungarian architecture’s world fame is well deserved and also exemplifies that Hungarian cultural, scientific and artistic performance can be competitive even in fast developing China. The Hungarian Deputy State Secretary claimed that the Hudec Memorial Room could be regarded as the „embassy” of Hungarian architecture, culture and science and its mission would be to present contemporary Hungary in China, adding that the success of this project demonstrated the demand for cooperation between the two countries’ architects.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)