The purpose of the conference, which was attended by leading officials of the 28 EU Member States, was to discuss how the functioning of the EU institutional framework renewed this year could be ensured while finding remedies for competence issues.

Speaking at the meeting Deputy State Secretary Bálint Ódor revealed that Hungary agreed with the idea of discussing the issue and with respect to the basic principles agreed with the Dutch initiative. We consider it important that the creeping manner of acquiring competences on the part of EU institutions observed several times in recent times should end. Apart from raising legitimacy questions, this trend also undermines the trust in EU institutions. Mr Ódor also pointed out that the review of competences may also kick in adverse processes, since there might be spin-offs like questioning the free movement of people, which has recently appeared in statements made by Western European politicians. This is a trend that should be avoided. EU decision making processes should be made more efficient while preserving the EU acquis and not by disregarding it.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)