2013 will be a Central European year in Hungary’s foreign policy as the country will serve as president of both the Visegrad Four Cooperation and the Central European Initiative (CEI).

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the main focus of the presidential year will be to eliminate the possible obstacles to Central European cooperation, representing the region’s common goal within the European Union and to further the Central European participation of countries outside Europe. The Ministry emphasised the importance of enhancing the international organisations’ transparency, as well as aiding economic development and facilitating mobility.

This dual presidency can help Hungary stress its priorities within the region and increase V4 participation in the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe, facilitating integration.

The Ministry also announced that approximately 25 events will take place under the aegis of the CEI, some also relating to the V4 cooperation. The events will also be linked to others, such as the Slovakian Kosice being one of the 2013 European Capitals of Culture, or the Hungarian-Italian Cultural Season.

(Ministry of Foreign Affairs)