The troops stationed at Camp Nothing Hill were visited by Colonel Carlo Emiliani, the newly appointed Commander of the Multinational Battle Group-West, MNBG-W, Lieutenant Colonel Boris Rutar, Deputy Commander of MNBG-W and Lieutenant Colonel Angelo Del Lungo, Commander of the Italian manoeuvre company.

The Hungarian Operations Squadron was deployed to Camp Nothing Hill, a few kilometres from Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, North Kosovo a month ago. The area is considered to be a hot spot. In the most northern camp of KFOR mission the companies of the multinational battle groups are deployed for six-month rotations. This time the Polish troops were replaced by the Hungarian soldiers. Originally the Hungarian company was supposed to be deployed at the international camp Villaggio Italia near Peje/Pec, however they kept on staying in the area due to the elections on 12th December. Approaching the end of their military service the troops were visited by Colonel Carlo Emiliani, the newly appointed Commander of the Multinational Battle Group-West, MNBG-W, Lieutenant Colonel Boris Rutar, Deputy Commander of MNBG-W and Lieutenant Colonel Angelo Del Lungo, Commander of the Italian manoeuvre company. The delegation was accompanied to Nothing hill by Lieutenant László Kanyó, Commander of KFOR Hungarian contingent. 1st Lieutenant Péter Csönge, Commander of the Hungarian company briefed on the strength, organization, technical device and armament and the responsibilities of the company. He showed the busiest border crossing connecting Kosovo with Serbia situated some thirty kilometres from the camp. The crossing named GATE-1 used by the Serbs has proved to be a favourite insurgent target. Therefore the Hungarian company provides base security, which includes guarding the gate, landing zone and perimeter of the camp. They conduct patrols near the Administrative Boundary Line with Serbia and maintain security at GATE-1 along the ABL. Moreover they conduct patrol along the Boundary line together with the Serbian soldiers and Kosovo policemen within their area of responsibility (EULEX).At the end of the visit Colonel Carlo Emiliani expressed his acknowledgement to the Hungarian soldiers’ dedicated work.
Translated by Dóra Darnyik