On Thursday, September 15, Defence Minister Csaba Hende received in his office on a ceremonial visit Col. Ulrich Pfeiffer, the Military Attaché of the Federal Republic of Germany accredited to our country, now resigning from his post, and the new Military Attaché Col. Manfred Knopp, introducing himself. At the event present was also the Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy Gábor Márki.

On the occasion of the leave-taking Csaba Hende pointed out that though it is a sad, but also an elevating moment that he must say good-bye to Colonel Ulrich Pfeiffer, and at the same time he expressed his deep appreciation for the outstanding work that the Attaché exerted during his mission in Hungary. As he put it, he feels sorry that the Colonel is not his soldier, because he got to know in his person a man, who is characterised with helpfulness, friendliness and ice-cold professionalism. The Defence Minister added that he is convinced that Mr. Ulrich Pfeiffer will serve his motherland with the same enthusiasm on his new post in Greece. This appointment means a step forward for him, considering the geostrategic location of Greece.

In what follows Csaba Hende congratulated the new German Military Attaché Mr. Manfred Knopp, paying his introductory visit, and wished him “boring” years in our motherland. The new Attaché expressed his hopes for a mutually fruitful cooperation, for which – he reinforced – he will do all he can.

Subsequently, Mr. Ulrich Pfeiffer expressed his gratitude to Csaba Hende for the all-embracing cooperation, for his friendship. In addition he looked back upon the term of office and mission of so much importance for his motherland and him, and closed his remarks with saying that he would like to stay in contact with his Hungarian colleagues, because he is sure, that he will return here some day.

Following this Csaba Hende appraising – in German language – the excellent military cooperational activity of the resigning Attaché, as recognition, he presented the Golden Grade of the Service Medal to Colonel Ulrich Pfeiffer.

(Ministry of Defence)