Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the MoD Defence Staff met Lt.-Gen. Volodymyr Zamana, the Chief of the General Staff of the armed forces of Ukraine on June 13. Heading a delegation, the Hungarian Chief of Defence held official bilateral discussions with his counterpart along the Hungarian–Ukrainian border.

(photo:MoD Defence Staff)

At the meeting the two partners discussed the current issues of the bilateral Ukrainian–Hungarian relations. The items on the agenda included the timely tasks of the “TISA” Multinational Engineer Battalion and the ongoing cooperation between Hungary and the Ukraine in the field of education, which is based on the military-to-military relations that have developed over recent years.

(photo:MoD Defence Staff)

After the bilateral discussions, the Hungarian delegation laid wreaths by the World War II heroes’ memorial and the monument to the Battle of Podhering of the 1848/49 War of Independence. The program finished with a visit to the “TISA” Multinational Engineer Battalion in Nagyszőlős.

(Ministry of Defence)