One of the armoured vehicles of the Hungarian Defence Forces Provincial Reconstruction Team (HDF PRT) overturned in Afghanistan yesterday. Due to the accident two Hungarian soldiers lost their lives and four were injured. (Press release)

One of the MaxxPro Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (M-RAP) vehicles of HDF PRT overturned while overtaking. The road accident occurred fifteen kilometres from Mazar-e Sharif, in Baghlan province. Six soldiers were travelling in the armoured fighting vehicle, one of them died at the scene, another on the way to hospital. Four other soldiers were injured in the accident.

Minister of Defence, Chief of Defence Staff of HDF and the Commander of HDF Joint Force Command expressed condolences to the soldiers’ families. Minister of Defence Csaba Hende declared the two soldiers who died in an accident in Afghanistan heroes.

(Ministry of Defence, Press Office)