The Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) of the EU Member States meet this week in Brussels under the chairmanship of General Hakan Syrén. The Hungarian military delegation is led by Lieutenant General Tibor Benkő, Chief of Defence Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces.

Lieutenant General Tibor Benkő had talks with General Hakan Syrén the Chairman of the EUMC (EU Military Committee) on October 26.
The EU Military Committee of the Chiefs of Defence of the 27 European Member states has a tight schedule. Army General Makarov, Chief of the Russian General Staff will deliver a speech on reforming the Russian Armed Forces and the expansion of cooperation with EU Member States.
During the session General Hakan Syrén will brief the EUMC on the military operations currently conducted in the European Union.
The session will include a discussion on the role of the EUMC in EU capability development. Moreover the activity of the Military Committee will be reviewed, as well.
The EU Operation Commanders will present an analysis on military operations conducted in the Balkans, Uganda and off the coast of Somalia.

 Edited and translated by Dóra Darnyik