The most trying drilling exercise of the Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF), the assault riflemen’s tenth training course, began on Monday, September 12. There exist only a few trainings in the world, similar to this, such as for instance the ranger-training of the American Army.

In Tata by the end of the first day, from the 44 applicants 26 remained standing. The training officers calculated with some further drop-outs until the end of the fifth week, on basis of the earlier experiences. The training course was launched for the first time in 2004, under the direction of Lt. Col. Mr. Arnold Koltai, and more than fifty soldiers have completed it with success since then. The voluntary applicants have to hand over their personal objects, they cannot wear symbols of their ranks, and live absolutely isolated from the outside world. They cannot even keep contact with their families during the period of training. The few soldiers, who can finish the course, do not fight for a pay-rise or other recognitions, but for a higher-level military preparedness, so that they can declare, that they could do it.

The participants carry out the training according to strict daily routine and stringent measures. They cannot wear jewels for example, they cannot keep a mobile phone, they cannot smoke, cannot drink coffee or other energy drinks. They must consume exclusively the food compiled for them according to definite norms. They get 5 minutes for breakfast and supper, respectively, and 10 minutes for lunch.

The “lucky” few, who can follow through with the 660 hours duration, 33-day training course going hand in had with extremely heavy physical and psychological pressure, and win the Assault Rifleman patch on their jacket, will be the most wanted soldiers of the Hungarian Defence Forces. Their units will use their experience, physical preparedness, and sub-unit level executive qualities in the most important tasks, such as for instance in the mission services conducting also combat activities.

(Ministry of Defence)