Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende signed an agreement of cooperation with Attila Vén, the mayor of Medina concerning the infrastructural support to the radar project to be implemented at the village. Under the terms of the agreement, until 2014 the Ministry of Defence will pay a total of HUF 100 million as a non-refundable governmental subsidy to Medina in order to finance the infrastructural development related to the construction project. Within 30 days from the agreement coming into force, the village is to receive the first installment worth HUF 25 million.

In the afternoon of October 21, Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende signed an agreement of cooperation with Attila Vén, the mayor of Medina concerning the infrastructural support to the radar project to be implemented at the village.

(photo: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky)

“The interest of national defence is an important one in the life of a state and a nation”, Dr. Csaba Hende said in his welcome speech. “The ancient Romans held that this interest overrides everything else. Here in Hungary, many tend to forget this old truth since the 1989 change of regime, as attested by the checkered history of this 3D radar station”, the Minister added. “By today’s signature, its story has taken an irrevocable turn in the direction of completion”.

Dr. Csaba Hende went on praising the open attitude of acceptance adopted by the locals of Medina. “Here in Medina people have understood what the Hungarian Defence Forces want and why they want those things. The people here have understood that this radar station is going to serve the cause of the whole nation. We met here open ears, minds and hearts”, the Minister said. The local people have already known what the radar is and what its operation in the fields of the village would mean, they know that it has no harmful effects”, Dr. Csaba Hende recalled. “They have made a responsible decision. By saying yes to the project they helped the whole nation to solve an old problem and pay off an old debt, to solve a problem whose only solution is this state-of-the-art 3D radar which completes the air surveillance system protecting Hungary’s airspace together with the gap-filling radar companies.”

The Minister added that the kind of defence provided by this system is the safest one currently available. “The whole nation and the Hungarian Defence Forces have counted on Medina. This settlement will be, and is already known all around Hungary as the village that has enabled the national cause of the radar. Thank you on behalf of the Hungarian Defence Forces!”, Csaba Hende said, and went on expressing thanks to all who contributed to reaching the agreement.

(Ministry of Defence)