The Slovakians are aiming to establish a Bureau of Human Services and start defence training following the Hungarian example. A delegation of three has visited HDF 5th ‘István Bocskai’ Infantry Brigade to gain experience in the related field.

The members of the delegation have been received by Brig. Gen. Gábor Böröndi, Commander of HDF 5th ‘István Bocskai’ Infantry Brigade. The personnel officers of the Defence Staff of the Slovak Armed Forces have been shown the operation of the Human Service Bureau. The visitors have been introduced the structure, tasks and the mission operation of the Debrecen infantry brigade, as well.
National defence is educated by reconnaissance soldiers at 28 primary schools and four secondary schools of the region. Since military training has several years’ history in Debrecen, the members of the delegation have had the possibility to participate lessons, as well.
The Slovakians are planning to introduce defence training following the example of the Hungarian ’Military School’.

Translated by Dóra Darnyik