On Wednesday, November 23 Defence Minister Dr. Csaba Hende received in his office Munsi Abdul Majeed, the governor of Baghlan Province and Moh. Rasul Mohsene (Rasul Khan), the Shura leader of Baghlan Province. Also present at the meeting were Lt.-Gen. Zoltán Orosz, the Deputy Chief of the MoD Defence Staff and MoD Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning Péter Siklósi.

The delegations discussed Hungary’s role in Baghlan Province, Afghanistan. Munshi Abdul Majeed said thanks to the Hungarian government, the Hungarian Defence Forces and the Hungarian public for their assistance. It was revealed that the local people of Baghlan Province consider the Hungarian troops as their close loved ones, support and respect them.
(photo: MTI)

The Afghan delegation visited the Parliament, then took part in a session of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) governmental committee and the following press briefing. In the evening the Ministry of Defence held a gala dinner in honor of the guests.

(Ministry of Defence)