A joint welcome home and farewell ceremony was held on July 7 at the HDF Joint Force Command (HDF JFC) to welcome the second rotation (35 personnel) of the HDF ISAF National Support Element, the second rotation (18 personnel) of the Hungarian Logistic Mentor Team of the HDF ISAF Combat Service Support (CSS) School, and 25 soldiers who served in individual positions during the past six months in ISAF, Afghanistan. At the same time, the occasion was a farewell ceremony for four officers who are to leave for their tour of duty abroad.

At the event Brig-Gen. István Baráth, HDF JFC Deputy Commander and Logistics Chief presented commendations to the troops returning from the missions abroad and delivered a speech to greet the returning and departing contingents.

The brigadier-general pointed out that the Hungarian troops’ participation in missions increasingly meets the security challenges of the 21st century.

”Asymmetric warfare and the fight against terrorism require us to fulfill our commitments in NATO with the greatest possible efficiency and flexibility. This concept has called for the forming of a CSS contingent to support the expanding role of the Hungarian Defence Forces in Afghanistan. With the deployment of the HDF ISAF National Support Element in the area of operations, the logistic supply of Hungarian contingents stationed there and the soldiers serving in individual positions has become smoother” said István Baráth. He also added that the troops had executed their tasks satisfactorily and had proven that “they meet the challenges and are able to cooperate effectively, thereby earning reputation for Hungary in the international community.”

Speaking about the tasks of the Hungarian Logistic Mentor Team of the HDF ISAF CSS School the brigadier-general pointed out that in line with NATO’s new strategic concept for Afghanistan, various training and mentoring teams have been deployed and receive special attention. They are responsible for mentoring and providing professional support for organizing basic and special trade training programs aimed at preparing the Afghan National Army (ANA) units that execute traditional, special and support tasks, and help them to reach full operational capability. The Hungarian Logistic Mentor Team has been working since April 2010, assigned to the (German-led) multinational mentoring team (GAFTAG - German Armed Forces Technical Advisory Group) of the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan (NTM-A) .

The multinational mentoring team consists of German, Italian, French, Dutch, Belgian, Croatian, and of course, Hungarian experts, who are responsible for providing basic MOS training, re-training and follow-on training for officers, NCOs and enlisted personnel who are in charge of planning, organizing and executing the tasks of the ANA.

“You have been able to meet the challenges presented by the international environment and the mission in every respect” said the deputy commander.

According to István Baráth, the soldiers posted to individual positions who have returned from Afghanistan also “did their job to the best of their abilities in every case, thereby earning reputation for our country and respect for the Hungarian Defence Forces.”

In his address to the contingent leaving for Afghanistan, the Chief of Logistics underlined: since March 2009, a Hungarian officer has been serving in Potsdam on the staff of the Bundeswehr Operations Command Operations and Planning (J3/J5) divisions; he is responsible for coordinating the tasks between the Hungarian Defence Forces and ISAF in Afghanistan and those of other peace support operations (KFOR, EUFOR, UN, etc.) on the basis of a special authorization.

Following the transfer of authority, Maj. Zsolt Herceg – who have just assumed his new duties – is going to be in direct contact with the German Federal Ministry of Defence and the Operations Command, cooperating with the personnel of the Command and the divisions in providing feedback, data, information and reports.

In August 2011, the Hungarian contingent currently serving with the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) will be relieved by Capt. (Eng.) Béla Pálfi, Captain Szabolcs Vágner and Capt. Károly Zentai. As the brigadier-general said, this mission has been running under the auspices of the United Nations Organization and the peacekeepers serving here perform their duties unarmed. Their responsibilities include making preparations for the referendum in Western Sahara, verifying the reduction of Moroccan troops and monitoring the ceasefire.

”Please take advantage of the opportunities provided by the mission for professional development, because you will be able to learn a lot of lessons in theory and in practice as well. In the course of your service you will have to cooperate closely with soldiers of other nations. Do your best so that they can consider the Hungarian soldiers as helpful, professionally trained, and disciplined peacekeepers” István Baráth bid farewell to the leaving troops.

(Ministry of Defence)