The third group of PRT-9 has visited a half-completed school building situated in Jelga district, Baghlan province, about 90 kilometres from Camp Pannonia.

The Hungarian PRT-9 has been asked to help complete the school construction project.

 Due to poor road conditions it took the troops approximately four and a half hours to get there. The last 10 kilometres proved to be the most difficult stage of the journey where the road was completely washed away by the river. However the Humwees faced no difficulties driving along bumpy roads full of rocks and potholes.
Arriving in Jelga the members of the PRT-9 visited the half-completed school building. In fact, the school is considered very important for the locals. During the visit classrooms were crammed with children, demonstrating they were eager to learn.
Girls attend the Co-educational school in the mornings while boys attend classes in the afternoons. Besides the core curriculum English is taught at the primary school, as well. Fortunately Jelga is not the hotbed the insurgents, therefore the locals feel more secure than in other districts of Afghanistan. As a sign of hospitality the locals invited the Hungarian soldiers for lunch.
 There was a minor incident on their way back to Camp Pannonia. The rear gunner of the convoy had to fire a warning shot at a vehicle not obeying the rules in Baghlan-i Jadid district.
Fortunately no one was injured in the incident. All in all the troops got back to their military base safe and sound.

Text Dóra Darnyik