The informal meeting of Brussels-based PMG diplomats will be hosted by the Ministry of Defence in Budapest between 23 and 25 March.
Besides their informal talks they will observe the destruction of cluster munitions in Erdőkertes.

PMG (Politico-Military Group) is the main decision body and the advisory of PSC (Political and Security Council). The task of PMG is to represent the military-political point of view in the Common Security and Defence Policy. The working group makes proposals in the crisis management to PSC. The Politico-Military Group examines the politico-military aspects of all proposals within the framework of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. The Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management gives advice to PSC on the political aspects of non-military crisis management. The Brussels-based PMG diplomats traditionally gather for an informal meeting in the Member State holding the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union in each semester.

During their visit the EU diplomats will observe the destruction of cluster munitions, visit HDF 59th Szentgyörgyi Dezső Air Base in Kecskemét and the Mobile Biological Laboratory of HDF Medical Training Centre.

The Russian-made cluster bombs will be destructed by the HDF 1st Honvéd Explosive Ordnance Disposal and Warship Battalion at the Erdőkertes demolition range on 24 March.

Besides Brussels based PMG-diplomats, OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) and UN observers as well as military attaches accredited to Budapest are expected to participate in the event.




(Dóra Darnyik, MOD Press office)