The red sludge disaster occurred a year ago, which claimed the life of ten people, and caused enormous material, environmental, and immeasurable psychical damages. On the occasion of the anniversary commemorations were held in Kolontár and in Devecser, and awards were handed over on Tuesday, October 4.

In the morning of October 4, in the disaster-stricken Kolontár and in Devecser the representatives of the Government and the organisations having participated in the rescue operations, the relations of the victims and the local citizens remembered the red sludge disaster that struck the region a year ago. Minister of the Interior Dr. Sándor Pintér, Minister of Defence Dr. Csaba Hende and several State Secretaries of the Cabinet participated in the commemorative events.

(foto: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky)

In his speech delivered in Kolontár, Dr. Károly Kontrát, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Interior Portfolio reminded the audience that in the red sludge disaster ten people lost their lives, homes were completely destroyed, and the until then flourishing environment was badly injured. He added: among the unprecedented damages, the nation joined forces; the people of Hungary displayed solidarity and set a good example of helpfulness, selflessness and moral courage.

After the speech wreaths of remembrance were laid at the Kolontár memorial place by Dr. Sándor Pintér, Dr. Csaba Hende, Dr. Károly Kontrát, Csaba Szabó, the Ministerial Commissioner of the State Secretariat for Rural Development, Dr. Zoltán Illés, the State Secretary for Environmental Affairs of the State Secretariat for Rural Development, Dr. Zoltán Kovács, the Minister of State for Government Communication, Dr. János Fónagy, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of National Development, and Dr. Zoltán Kovács, the Head the Veszprém County Government Office.

(foto: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky)

General Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the MoD Defence Staff, FS Lt. Gen. Dr. György Bakondi, Director General of the National Disaster Management Directorate, and Police Lieutenant General Dr. József Hatala, National Chief of Police, laid the wreaths of the military and law enforcement organs. Wreaths were laid by the leaders of the neighbouring local self-governments and the students of the Táncsics Mihály Elementary School of Kolontár, too. After the commemoration in Kolontár, the events that occurred a year ago were remembered also in Devecser. In his speech Sándor Pintér recalled the previous year’s events, emphasizing the weight of human irresponsibility that caused the catastrophe, and said thanks to those who took part in the rescue operations.

In what followed, awards were handed over: Sándor Pintér acknowledged the self-sacrificing efforts of the “goodwill-ambassadors” Dalma Mádl and Anikó Lévai, and the orders of merit for the extraordinary moral courage showed in the red sludge catastrophe were conferred upon by the Minister of the Interior and Minister of Defence Dr. Csaba Hende. On behalf of the personnel of the Hungarian Defence Forces, Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő took over the Ministerial Certificate of appreciation.

(foto: Mária Krasznai-Nehrebeczky)

After the awards ceremony, the memorial par erected on the venue was inaugurated in the presence of the state leaders attending.

(Ministry of Defence)