The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and the National Roma Self-Government (OCÖ) have signed a cooperation agreement on providing education and finding jobs for young gypsies who are fit for and have interest in the military service; the document was signed by Minister of Defence Csaba Hende and Flórián Farkas, the president of the OCÖ in Budapest on November 27.

Csaba Hende said that the armed forces had always been an important area of social mobilization. The Hungarian Defence Forces offer the gypsies the same terms as to anybody else – decent living earnable with hard work, the opportunity to have their share in the achievement of common goals as well as a stable and predictable career path. “The operating principle of the Hungarian Defence Forces is meritocracy, so merit and performance are what count”, the Minister added.

According to Minister Hende, thanks to the uniform and comradeship, there is no discrimination in the Hungarian Defence Forces. As he explained, sociological studies have several times substantiated the claim that of all the organizational systems in society, the Hungarian Defence Forces are exactly the one in which the level of anti-gypsy sentiments is remarkably low. “The common uniform hides all differences, and comradeship means that everybody is equally important” – the Minister of Defence said. He stressed that they were committed to contributing their own means to help the social rise of the gypsy population.  

Flórián Farkas, the president of the National Roma Self-Government noted that both in its spirit and commitment, the agreement just concluded with the MoD is connected to a framework agreement with the government that has recently been reached. As he pointed out, this was so because the agreement concerns two very important pillars, namely education and employment. Moreover, it concerns “the teaching and learning of discipline and order”, he added.

According to the released press material, the MoD is carrying out a survey of the professions most in demand, with related jobs that “the MoD prefers to provide for young Roma people to be proposed by the ORÖ, which cooperates in their selection.” The MoD and the ORÖ are cooperating to achieve that those young men who leave the school system without qualification but are fit for military service can participate in an educational program which is aimed at acquiring the skills required to implement the objectives and tasks of the Hungarian Defence Forces. This program is to be funded and managed by the job placement organization, and the MoD is to provide employment for the young men who complete the program.