Hungary will host NATO’s top-level military forum, the Chiefs of Defence Meeting next year, the Ministry of Defence informed Hungarian News Agency MTI in a press release on Monday, 17 September.

The top-level military representatives of NATO member countries will meet in Budapest in autumn 2013. The NATO Military Committee (MC) meets at the level of Chiefs of Defence (CHODs) of the member states’ armed forces three times a year – twice at NATO Headquarters in Brussels and once in a member state of the Alliance. In accordance with the rotational system, Budapest will host the meeting in 2013 – Hungarian Chief of Defence Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő announced to the participants of the Military Committee.

The Hungarian Defence Forces have recently been requested by NATO to provide Force Protection again for the next six months at the Kabul International Airport (KAIA) in Afghanistan, which attests to the Hungarian soldiers’ excellent performance and recognition within NATO.

This opinion was voiced by United States Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta during a meeting with Defence Minister Csaba Hende in the United States, where the Secretary of Defence expressed the United States’ gratitude for the role of the Hungarian Defence Forces in Afghanistan and called the Hungarian troops’ contribution to the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) very effective.

(Ministry of Defence, MTI)