The annual NATO Crisis Management Exercise (CMX 12) has started with the participation Hungary.

Twenty-seven NATO member countries and two Partnership for Peace (PfP) countries – a total of around 2,500 personnel – are participating in this year’s exercise. The fictitious scenario portrays an escalating threat from chemical, biological and radiological attacks, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and a large scale cyber attack against NATO’s strategic institutions.

The exercise scenario is fully based on hypothetical events and is unfolding in a fictitious geographical environment. At the same time, it enables the participants to manage real-word danger situations.

For Hungary, this exercise is an excellent opportunity to practice the decision-making procedures of the national crisis management system, cooperation with the NATO Headquarters and the member countries. Except for Iceland, all member states have taken part in the planning and conduct of the exercise. Further invited participants include the two NATO PfP members Finland and Sweden as well as the representatives of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the International Committee of the Red Cross and, for the first time, the European External Action Service (EEAS). NATO has been conducting CMXs almost every year since 1992.

(MTI, MoD Press Office)