NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment (ASG/DI) Patrick Auroy paid a two-day official visit to Hungary. He was received by Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy Gábor Márki in his office at the MoD. The Assistant Secretary General was accompanied by Deputy Assistant Secretary General, Director of the Air Defence and Airspace Management István Talla (DASG/DI/ADAM).

At the plenary session held in Budapest Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy Gábor Márki and HDF Director of Reference Logistics Office, MoD Dr Gyula Keszthelyi briefed on the participation of the Hungarian Republic in NATO working groups, engagement of HDF in NATO, EU and UN missions as well as the possibilities of the Hungarian military industry. During the talks new types of challenges like C-IED and Cyber Defence were also discussed. In the afternoon the delegation visited the Military Institute of the MoD and NATO Military Medicine Centre of Excellence, NATO's first accredited international centre in Hungary. On the second day of his visit Patrick Auroy paid a courtesy call to State Secretary Lajos Fodor.

At the professional programme held at Pápa NATO Airport Base NATO Assistant Secretary General met. Maj. Gen. Zoltán Pintér, HDF Joint Command and Col. Miklós Domonkos, Commander of the Base. At Pápa NATO Airport Base lectures were delivered by Col. John Zazworsky (USAF), Commander of the Heavy Airlift Wing, General Manager of NAMA (NATO Airlift Management Agency), Gunnar Borch and Deputy General Manager of NAMA László Szarvas.

(; translated by Dóra Darnyik)