At the invitation of Gen. Dr. Tibor Benkő, the Chief of the Defence Staff, this week the National Military Representatives serving at the NATO Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) are paying an official visit to Hungary. Every year the National Military Representatives pay a visit to a given country during which they can get to know the armed forces, history and cultural background of the host member state as well as some current issues in defence policy.

The official program started on Tuesday, May 15 with the briefings of the Ministry of Defence and the MoD Defence Staff and a presentation on the organization and task system of the HDF Joint Force Command and the assigned military organizations. (Our photos were taken at this point!)

(photo: Gábor Galovtsik)

During their stay in Hungary, the representatives visit the NATO Centre of Excellence for Military Medicine (MILMED COE) and the 5/62 Infantry Battalion of the HDF 5th ‘Bocskai István’ Infantry Brigade in Hódmezővásárhely, where they are introduced to the military capabilities on static and dynamic displays. In addition, they pay a visit to Kecskemét where they receive information on the tasks of the base and the Gripen capabilities at the HDF 59th “Szentgyörgyi Dezső” Air Base; they go to see the HDF Air Command and Control Center in Veszprém as well. Their program closes with a visit to the HDF Pápa Air Base where they are briefed on the missions of the Heavy Airlift Wing (HAW).

(photo: Gábor Galovtsik)

During their professional program, the representatives get to know the history and the present status of the Hungarian Defence Forces and get a picture of the planned future developments of the defence portfolio. This is needed because NATO has a modular architecture, so the representatives of the member states learn about the capabilities that Hungary can contribute to the module systems of other countries and the elements in terms of which Hungary may be provided assistance.

(Ministry of Defence)