Ministry of Defence proposed a site to host the third NATO 3D radar in the south of Hungary, near the village of Medina.

Building a third radar is vitally important for protecting Hungary’s air space because it is one of the busiest in Central Europe. Hungary already operates two radars monitoring its air space; similar 3D radars operate in Bánkút in northern Hungary and in Békéscsaba in south-eastern Hungary. The site chosen by the ministry is neither a nature reserve nor a residential area. The investment may create jobs and boost infrastructure in Medina. The site near the village of Medina is already a military facility, neither near a residential area nor a nature reserve. The 3D radar system is planned to replace the outdated Russian technology operating for decades of the Warsaw Pact. The new radar complies with EU standards. The ministry has started consulting local councils and mayors and has informed parliamentary parties.

At the press conference held following the five-party talks Parliamentary State Secretary of MoD, Dr István Simicskó said: no objections have been raised over the planned location of the new 3D radar station. István Simicskó outlined: the representatives of the parties have agreed upon the new site of the 3D radar in principle.

(, HM,)