Minister of Defence of the Hungarian Republic Dr Csaba Hende participated in the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU in Brussels on 9 December.

It was the first time the Council met in a defence format in the absence of the foreign affairs ministers. At the meeting military capabilities, partnerships and EU operations were discussed. In the margins of the Council defence ministers met as the Steering Board of the European Defence Agency (EDA).European Defence Ministers have agreed that the Agency’s activities on Pooling and Sharing of national military capabilities should be enhanced. The Steering Board has approved the Agency’s Work Programme 2011. The Agency’s budget for next year has also been decided by the Foreign Affairs Council in Defence Ministers formation.
Hungary as the next holder of the rotating EU presidency requested the floor to inform the participants on the priorities during the first six months of 2011. In his speech Dr Csaba Hende emphasized that the Lisbon Treaty opened new perspectives providing opportunities for cooperation in the field of EU Common Security and Defence Policy. As a supporting presidency Hungary would continue the started work. He added: “our objective is to enhance security integration and support the implementation of Lisbon Treaty.”
Dr Csaba Hende congratulated his Belgian colleague for the outstanding work done during their six-month EU presidency. Defence Minister said: “Hungary is not preparing for a traditional presidency in the field of Common Security and Defence Policy. We are going to follow the instructions of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton.”
Minister of Defence Dr Csaba Hende held talks with the Austrian Minister of Defence Norbert Darabos, as well. Csaba Hende informed his Austrian partner on Hungary’s EU presidency priorities and the current situation of the Volunteer Reserve System. He confirmed that Austria proved to be one of the most reliable economic and political partners. The minister added that the two countries maintained close cultural relations. Furthermore Csaba Hende thanked for the assistance provided by the disaster relief experts of the Austrian Army in the red sludge disaster in October 2010.
Translated by Dóra Darnyik