Minister of Defence Dr Csaba Hende has paid an official visit to Paris to have talks with the Minister of Defence of France, Alain Juppé. During the meeting priorities of the Hungarian EU Presidency, Common Security and Defence Policy issues and bilateral military relations have been discussed.

Minister of Defence of France, Alain Juppé said France has confidence in the success of Hungarian EU Presidency. The parties agreed that there is a need to deepen EU-NATO relations. Minister of Defence Dr Csaba Hende said: as a supporting Presidency Hungary’s main objective is to strengthen defence and security policy, promote European defence integration and support the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty. Afterwards Minister of Defence of the Hungarian Republic held talks with Josselin de Rohan, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee of the French Senate. During the meeting the political situation in Tunisia and the French-Polish-European defence security initiatives were touched upon.
In the course of the visit, Péter Siklósi Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning had talks with Michel Miraillet, Director of Policy and Strategic Affairs Department. Meanwhile, Head of the Cabinet Dr Gábor Szarka was informed about the French human resources model at the Ministry of Defence in Paris.

(Translated by Dóra Darnyik)