“Hungary and the Hungarian Defence Forces are seeking a broad and deep cooperation with allies and partners, “Minister of Defence Csaba Hende pointed out in his speech at the 11th annual Israel security conference in Herzliya.

During his three-day visit to Israel Minister of Defence Csaba Hende attended the 11th annual conference held on the campus of the Interdisciplinary Institute in Herzliya. At the event politicians, researchers and foreign defence experts exchanged views on the possibilities of political, scientific and technological cooperation between Israel and Europe as well as security policy issues and threats of global terrorism.

Among the speakers of the conference were the Hungarian Minister of Defence Csaba Hende, Israeli Minister of Defence Ehud Barak, British Foreign Secretary Liam Fox and Czech Minister of Defence Alexandr Vondra.
In his speech Csaba Hende pointed out: ’’ It is unacceptable if the dignity of any European citizen or community is hurt. Therefore the Hungarian government will take action against anti-Semitic provocation or manifestation of any kind. There is no place for argument on this issue: the Jewish community can count on us.’’

Afterwards Minister of Defence drew attention to the challenges of energy security, the natural and man-made disasters, climatic changes and cyber security risks. The minister pointed out: the situation in Central Europe and the Western Balkans can be characterized by positive changes. In this new security environment Hungary and the Hungarian Defence Forces are seeking broad and deep cooperation with allies and partners to protect the country in the traditional military sense and to participate in peace support operations and crisis management.

Csaba Hende emphasised: the HDF should be prepared to eliminate traditional and new security threats. Regarding the civil unrest in Egypt defence minister expressed his hope that the democratic evolution and the stability of the region would prevail. During his visit to Israel Csaba Hende also held informal talks with Palestine leaders in Ramallah.

(kormany.hu; translated by Dóra Darnyik)