The Hungarian Ministry of Defence organised a Translation and Adaptation Process informal workshop on 16 May, 2011 in Budapest.

Capability development experts of EU Member States and representatives of the EU Military Staff (EUMS), the European Defence Agency (EDA), the Crisis Management and Planning Department (CMPD), the NATO Allied Command Transformation (NATO ACT) and the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) discussed the steps to be taken in order to further the Process. The speakers introduced their views on the possible use and limitations of the Operational Analysis (OA) Tool, as well as NATO’s experience of its use. They also discussed the methods to determine the capability requirements and their relations to the illustrative scenarios.

On 17 May the participants visited the Hungarian Defence Forces Military Medical Training Base, where they observed the BSL-3 Mobile Biological Laboratory in action. The NATO Military Medical Centre of Excellence also had a chance to introduce itself by giving a short presentation.
