The recognition of bravery, of steadiness, of sense of duty and loyalty of the soldiers is coeval with military history. Just like a thousand year ago our forces are proud to wear the medals for merit, which speak instead of those who wear them and about them. We all know that our soldiers in the operational theatre are working hard, in a tight manner away from their home and their families.

The Hungarian soldiers the PRT in Pol-e-Khomri, Afghanistan gathered together for a celebration. Their commander, Colonel Dr. Gábor Boldizsár, thanked them for their efforts in reconstructing Afghanistan.

The Hungarian troops have been through many thousand miles on untrodden paths, hundreds of protective patrol actions, and demanding trainings. In the HUN PRT (Hungarian Provincial Reconstruction Team) Hungarian, Croatian, and Montenegro soldiers have performed their duties over the past six months under NATO command to advance the future of Afghanistan. This unselfish service was highly appreciated by Colonel Boldizsár. He stepped to his soldiers and pinned a “Non Article 5” merit onto their breasts. The merit stands for the participation in the ISAF operations. This is an outstanding, and ever-lasting moment in every soldier’s life. And the soldiers reply with pride and determination: “I serve my country!”