A Hungarian-German Expert Discussion was held in Budapest on the fields of armaments, medical and logistics between 7th and 8th of March 2012.

The German Delegation was led by Mr. Michael Bode, Director General of International Armaments Cooperation, Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany.

(photo: Press Office of M.D)The main goal of the discussion was to meet the two nations’ experts working on the same fields and get to know the short, medium and long term plans regarding the modernisation of armaments, the medical, cyber defence issues, the joint research and development as well as the capabilities of the defence industry.

Mr. Gábor Márki, Deputy State Secretary for Defence Economy (National Armaments Director) of the Ministry of Defence of Hungary in his welcoming speech emphasized the exceptional bilateral cooperation between the Hungarian and German military. In order to deepen the armaments cooperation he agreed with his German partner to meet each other every year to discuss the most relevant bilateral tasks.  He highlighted that the current expert talks prepare the high level Hungarian-German Armaments Conference which will also be held in Budapest between the 2nd and 3rd of May 2012.

(photo: Press Office of M.D)During the expert discussions Mr. Gábor Márki had a bilateral meeting with Mr. Christian-Peter Prinz zu Waldeck und Pyrmont, the Head of the Federal Association of the German Security and Defence Industry.

(Ministry of Defence)