"The soldiers fighting on Juta Hill have accomplished the noblest action ever. They took up the arms not for their own sake but for the sake of the homeland and the nation.” Parliamentary State Secretary István Simicskó praised the only victorious battle of the 1956 revolution.

At the memorial built at the scene of the battlefield soldiers and civilians commemorated the heroes of 1956.

István Simicskó especially welcomed Judit Gyenes, the widow of the martyred Minister of Defence Pál Maléter. The State Secretary emphasized the heroic resistance of a small group of people who had restored the self-esteem of the whole nation. The march of the Soviet troops and the henchmen was halted by Hungarian soldiers and the anti-aircraft artillery from Esztergom. Although the battle turned out to be victorious the freedom fight failed. It was followed by a harsh reprisal, while several officers and NCOs - among others Pál Maléter - were killed. At the time of the reprisals seven soldiers were killed for fighting on Juta Hill. However, the lost battle may become a future victory. The collapse of 1956 revolution led to the victory of 1989-990. It means the survival of the Hungarian nation, the reconstruction of the country and the system of national cooperation. The repression of eight years was not able to break the spirit of the population. It shows the power of the Hungarian nation. People had to choose between death and victory. Consequently the heroes chose victory. In order to heal the wounds the memory of the executed has to be preserved. ’’ The State Secretary said.

Following the words of the commemoration the names of all the soldiers becoming victims of the freedom fight were named. Then the Parliamentary State Secretary István Simicskó, Brigadier General Ottó Halmai and Colonel László Szegő laid wreaths. At the reception following the wreath-taking Brig. Gen. Ottó Halmai said that remembering the heroes of 1956 became an obligation of our age.

Translated by Dóra Darnyik