The conference focused on how to improve the security of troops in mission.

HDF JFC (Hungarian Defence Forces Joint Forces Command) held a conference on processing the experience of HDF PRT (Hungarian Defence Forces Provincial Reconstruction Team) on November 10. The key issue of the meeting was to improve the working conditions and the security of the troops serving in mission. The conference was led by Brig. Gen. János Huszár, Chief of HDF JFC. In the course of the day current issues related to PRT activities were discussed and briefings were given on the accomplished tasks. During the conference the participants were informed about the ongoing activities carried out in support of PRT. Furthermore lectures were delivered on the effects of the current operating environment on the performance of the contingent. Afterwards a separate evaluation was made on the objectives and the expected results of the following PRT operations. One of the key issues of the conference was the attack which occurred under the previous rotation of PRT in Afghanistan. The incident had been investigated and the outcome was reported by the committee in charge. Finally, the circumstances of the attack were presented using simulation software tools.

Text: Dóra Darnyik