Nearly one hundred soldiers lined up last Wednesday afternoon at Kecskemét Air Base. The troops in desert combat uniform are about to leave for Afghanistan where they will serve in the staff officer group at Kabul International Airport or as mentors at the NATO ISAF Combat Service Support (CSS) Logistics School. Minister of Defence Dr Csaba Hende said farewell to the troops at the ‘Dezső Szentgyörgyi’ Air Base in Kecskemét.

The Hungarian soldiers are going to serve in Afghanistan from the end of September 2010 to the end of March 2011. At the ceremonial staff meeting servicemen of the staff officer group of Kabul International Airport and the mentors of the NATO ISAF CSS Logistics School lined up. Minister of Defence Dr Csaba Hende, Lieutenant General Tibor Benkő, Chief of Defence Staff of the Hungarian Defence Forces, and Mrs Dezső Szentgyörgyi the widow of the eponym of the Kecskemét unit honoured the ceremony with their presence.

’’This runway behind me is the gateway to our country. It is a gateway to our country and the homeland you are about to leave. Remember to return to the very same place. At the end of the road you will get to a similar airport which is a gateway to an other country. Your task will be to defend and control this gateway.’’ Dr Csaba Hende said.

Minister of Defence added: ’’The fight against terrorism is our national interest. Hungarian soldiers are present in Afghanistan to help restructure and consolidate the state following an extreme dictatorship and a terrible war. They intend to establish a stabile state thus avoid instability in international relations… We started the mission with our allies together and we make decisions on further steps together. We do our best because we take common responsbility for our common security.’’ Dr Csaba Hende pointed out. ’’The interests and values we are struggling for together with our allies must be represented in an excellent way…You are Hungarian soldiers. Raise the Hungarian flag high in Afghanistan. Do not forget that you are Hungarian soldiers in the first instance. You should know that we never let anybody down. I am informed on a daily basis about what happens to you on mission. We make great efforts to improve security conditions and the military equipment,’’ Minister of Defence added.

Later that week Csaba Hende, Minister of Defence visited Várpalota HDF Bakony Combat Training Centre. Following the reception with military honours Colonel Tamás Fürst, Commander of the Combat Training Centre reported to the Minister of Defence, the Chief of Defence Staff, HDF and the military leaders. They were informed about the history of the establishment of the training centre, the location of the training fields, the developments undertaken and the tasks accomplished at the unit in the last few years. Afterwards the guests were shown the services of the training centre. The guests learned about the control centre of Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES). Later that day they watched a demonstration of MILES 200 in practice. The ministerial visit ended with a staff meeting. Minister of Defence Csaba Hende talked about Afghanistan mission: ‘’this is currently our most dangerous and top priority mission ….’’ Furthermore Csaba Hende stated.’ We intend to strengthen the Hungarian Defence Forces in every respect in the future, in terms of training, military-technical supply and of course manpower, as well. The increase in manpower can be a step towards restructuring the Reserve Staff.

“Minister of Defence highlighted: ’’In the next period our priority will be to strengthen Hungary’s defence capability and to prepare the troops for this task. That is how we can accomplish our tasks and commitments on mission.

“ The third destination the Minister of Defence, Dr Csaba Hende visited was HDF 54th Veszprém Air Surveillance Regiment. He and his colleauges accompanying him were received by Colonel József Szűcs, Commander of the unit, who showed the guests around the offices of the control centre. Then they were informed about the structure, the tasks of the regiment and the commitment accomplished in NATO.

At the press conference held in Veszprém the journalists put several questions about 3D radar station. Minister of Defence replied: “This problem has been going on since 1999. We have succeeded in installing radars in Békéscsaba and Bánkút without any problem. But the third radar met the resistance of the people living there. We know that Zengő hill would have been the most ideal place for the third radar. It is indispensable to solve the situation as soon as possible. The location of the radar will be decided soon. ’’ Answering the journalists’ questions Hende said: ’’Hungary has participated in Afghanistan mission under UN mandate together with 28 NATO members and 18 other countries. We do peacekeeping tasks there. Our definite objective is to eliminate the main posts of terrorism! We joined the mission together with these countries and we are going to make decisions on the further steps together, as well. ’’, Minister of Defence said. Afterwards he answered questions concerning general military themes:’’ The interest in military education has significantly increased. Twenty times as many students have applied to ZMNDU undergraduate courses as admitted this semester. We possess the quality and the foundation we can build upon. ‘‘

Translated by Dóra Darnyik