The Chiefs of Defence of the 27 European Member States met on 3 May 2011 in Brussels, under the chairmanship of General Håkan Syrén, to discuss the state of play regarding the military operations conducted by the European Union as well as the main activities and initiatives of the Union for improving European military capabilities.

During the information session, Chiefs of Defence agreed on the revision of the EUMC (European Union Military Committee) Strategic Plan in order to record the strategic priorities and related key actions.


The session discussing the operations was opened by General Sir Richard Shireff, Commander of the operation EUFOR Althea who provided the forum with his assessment of the current situation in Bosnia Herzegovina and referred to the possible future force posture options and challenges, Major General Buster Howes, EUNAVFOR Atalanta Operation Commander presented an analysis of the EU's commitment in the Gulf of Aden and off the coast of Somalia, giving an update on operational developments. Afterwards the Mission Commander of the EU Training Mission (EUTM) Somalia, Colonel Ricardo Gonzales Elul presented a short progress update on the training of the second intake of trainees. Finally Rear Admiral Claudio Gaudiosi, the recently appointed Operation Commander of EUFOR Libya provided the Chiefs of Defence an overview of the mission and briefed the EUMC on the preparations.

The capabilities session was dedicated to the main activities launched in the framework of the European capability development. The session included a wide discussion on the role of the Member States, Pooling and Sharing initiatives and implementation of a series of concrete projects.


