“For the homeland till we die! “What a big goal, what a tremendous task you have devoted your lives to! The age we are living in often fears big words, commitments and the service, too. You however have just spoken the words of the oath before the whole nation. “For the homeland till we die! ”

The gesture of drawing the sabres reminds us of memorable moments in our history: for hundreds of years it meant the last movement before a fight and a combat. It meant: I am ready to fight – to win and to die if needed.

The Hungarian word “honvéd” refers to the soldier who defends the Hungarian homeland. At the time being the Hungarian officer serves solely the Hungarian homeland and the Hungarian interests, not that of an empire, ideology or a business group.


We have gone a long way for 1000 years. Our predecessors had to work hard every day and there were times when they had to struggle for survival, as well.

There is no guarantee for the following 1000 years, either. Only the citizens of Hungary are able to give guarantee. The whole country and the whole nation are together. The will and the desire for prosperity and creative work can be the guarantee. The fact that we set off for the day every morning and we put something to the small part of the whole we are bound to do in the life of the country and the nation. What serves as a guarantee is that there have always been brave women and men who take up your profession. The profession people can count on in all emergency situations.


In your profession you will be members of an excellent community! In the last two months I have visited places where Hungarian soldiers serve. I have seen a Hungarian military camp in the Afghanistan operational theatre. I have seen our Hungarian soldiers in the Balkans helping the distressed nations in reconstruction following terrible campaigns. During the flood I have seen soldiers on the dams working in adverse conditions saving whole villages’ fortune with desperate effort. And I have seen soldiers serving in troops in our country trying to preserve the power of the army under impossible and indefensible circumstances.


Saint Stephen put down the following words about the soldiers to Saint Imre 1000 years ago: “Let them be your fathers and your brothers, my son. “ The Saint King’s last will is for all the Hungarian statesmen and the servants of the country of all historic ages. People who devote their lives to serving the homeland should be recognized by the Hungarian state and the Hungarian society of all time. We have declared the reconstruction of the Hungarian Defence Forces. We have returned to the right direction: the Iron Law of the military profession written in blood thousands of years ago have been respected by all states and nations who feel responsibility for their citizens. Soldiers are armed and prepared for their job of great importance; the military profession is recognized and appreciated, making our allies great and powerful from the USA to Germany, from France to Poland.

We started out this way two and a half months ago. At the beginning of your careers as officers - having said yes to serve the nation till death - you will join this undertaking. There is a long way to go but we will go along it together. We will rebuild the Hungarian Defence Forces. For this task I ask for your dedicated work. For this mission I look forward and expect your correct and brave commitment. You will be commanders: you have to lead. You will be leaders. Never forget Miklós Zrínyi’s commands: “I was entrusted to you in the war, that thou wear it.”

Dear soldiers’ families! Dear Parents, Wives and Husbands!

You are involved in this enormous undertaking: For our country till death do us part! You are also parts of this community, which lives and serves around this national institute -the Hungarian Defence Forces. You are the ones who help sharing the sometimes heavy burden your children or spouse bear in this service. You bear the burden of the country, as well. I would like to thank you for it with respect.


The poet Kata Szent-Gály writes: “Vocation is of extraordinary grace.” You are parts of the vocation: the value you do for the homeland cannot be expressed in terms of money. If you do your best you will experience the magnificence and the difficulty of this profession. I wish your chosen profession made you happy. Despite all the difficulties the life of a soldier might entail, live a happy life. Your life which has become inseparable from these words today: “For the homeland till we die! ” Ministry of Defence H-1055 Budapest Balaton utca 7-11. Postal address: H-1885, Budapest Pf. 25. Phone: +36-1-4741111 Search