The Department operates under the direction and control of the Deputy State Secretary for Defence Policy and Planning (Defence Policy Director).

Mission Statement: the Department is responsible for managing and coordinating bilateral defence relations and for providing advice and support to the Minister and senior leadership.

Main tasks:

  • Planning and coordination of bilateral activities of the Ministry of Defence and the Hungarian Defence Forces;
  • Coordination of the accreditation process and the bilateral activities of the foreign Defence-, Military and Air Attaché Corps as well as of the Hungarian Defence Attachés abroad;

Head of Department:
Colonel Sándor JUHÁSZ

Maj. Eng. Andrea GOMBOS
Phone: (+36 1) 474 1230
E-mail: [[[OCpj3UrzR29tYm9zLkFuZHJlYUBobS5nb3YuaHU=]]]

Address (place): Department for International Co-operation MoD
Balaton utca 7–11.
H-1055 Budapest,
Postal Address: 1885 Budapest, Pf. 25.
Phone: (+36 1) 474 1230
Fax: (+36 1) 474 1252
E-mail: [[[WjGDFUIJMapmivJHfo5NQT2VaG1uZWZAaG0uZ292Lmh1]]]

(Ministry of Defence)