Computers have been donated to the schools with the best academic achievement by the Hungarian CIMIC Team of the KFOR Contingent.

Thirteen PCs were presented to the Educational Board of the local government of Gjakove/Djakovica, Kosovo by the Hungarian CIMIC Team KFOR Contingent back in June 2010. Four computers remained at the Board, while the remaining nine PCs were put out to tender. Schools with the best academic achievement managed to benefit from the donation.

Pupils in Kosovo start school at the age of six, similarly to the Hungarian school kids. However, the secondary school in Kosovo has nine grades. In most schools pupils have computer lessons from the fifth grade on. The schools in Kosovo are badly supplied with computers. CIMIC Team of HDF KFOR Contingent aimed to help this situation donating PCs to five primary schools of Gjakove/Djakovica at the beginning of October.

 At the donation ceremony Lieutenant General László Kanyó, Commander of the Hungarian contingent outlined that children of our age grow up in a fast expanding world of information. Digital devices have integrated in children’s social life: they sit in front of the computer watching films, playing, sending and receiving e-mails, chatting and surfing on the internet.

Deputy Mayor of Gjakove/Djakovica Agim Koci thanked for the presents of the Hungarian KFOR contingent. Silvana Haxhikadrija Director of Education expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation with the Hungarian contingent. Sadik Gojani, Director of Fehmi Agana Elementary School having won a silver medal in the competition of schools also thanked for the donation of the Hungarian soldiers.

 Text: Dóra Darnyik